
Katy Perry advertisement for Proactiv

The Katy Perry ad for Proactiv is a very successful ad is has used both visual and written techniques to create this ad and it has worked very well. The purpose of this ad is to promote the Proactiv skincare range in hopes that more people will then buy it. This advertisement is in the form of a magazine print advertisement. Its target audience is 12 year olds and up as it is promoting an acne fighting product and acne usually occurs in teens and sometimes adults. You can also tell that this is an ad aimed at teens by the use of Katy Perry as a spokesperson, being that she is pop culture icon for her music and her unique personality.

This ad’s layout is that in the background it has used a large close up picture of Katy Perry to emphases her clear skin. Then in the foreground it has placed a quote from Katy Perry containing the Proactiv name. In the foreground is also in the top left is the Proactiv logo and at the bottom is a further explanation of how Katy Perry uses this product and uses her as an example of what you might become when using this product. As well at the very bottom of the ad is a warning about what you should do should you have a bad reaction to the skincare product.

This ad has been created well that it follows the ad structure well. It gets our attention by the demand gaze of Katy Perry where she looks confident and makes the viewer look away to the words at a vector from Katy’s gaze. It holds our attention by the overlapping quote from Katy Perry. It then creates desire for the product by saying how Katy Perry uses this product and how you can be like her if you use this product: you’ll be confident and in control. The ad then tries to get people to buy the product and use it as the action it wants to receive.

This ad uses many techniques these include simple solution where it tries to say that if we have bad acne and want to be confident and in control then all we need to do is buy this product. It also uses repetition where it repeats the word Proactiv again and again in the ad to try and emphases that we need to use this product. Another technique is scientific language, it uses this when saying “rapid action acne fighting particles” this makes it sound like it has been tested and sounds like it really works. This ad also uses imperative language when it asks us to “Be confident. Be in control. Be Proactiv.” This makes it sound like that if we use this product then we will be confident and in control of our lives, well at least our acne. This advertisement uses Katy Perry as a focal point by attracting our attention and by how her body language shows us that she wants us to use the product. Colour has also been used by having not much colour except for Katy’s ring which can also act as a focal point which attracts our attention.

The Katy Perry advertisement has been created well and does serve its purpose and received by its target audience well making them want to buy the product.

Katy Perry advertisement for Proactiv: The Ad

Here is the Katy Perry Ad I did my analysis on:

Book Review: 'Artemis Fowl' by Eoin Colfer

In this post I will be reviewing Eoin Colfer’s Adventure fantasy novel, “Artemis Fowl”. This novel also incorporates espionage thriller with its use high tech spy technology and its fast paced suspenseful story. This novel has been targeted at “preteens” or young teens that are around the ages of 12-13 years old.

Artemis Fowl” is a story about a 12 year old criminal mastermind who has devised a plan to restore his family’s fortune, one that involves kidnapping a fairy. But what Artemis doesn’t know is just what he has just got himself into when he kidnaps Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit (Of the Lower Elements Police).These fairies aren’t the bed time stories of children, these fairies are armed and their dangerous and they want Holly back!

What I liked about this book is how Colfer improves on the old fairytales you heard from when you were a kid to create a new modern version that we in the 21st century can relate to. Another part of this story that I liked is the character of Artemis. I like how he is a complex character and how as the plot develops we find that our first impressions of Artemis were wrong and that he is not the person he is made out to be. I really didn’t dislike anything in this book I think it is written so well that it leaves you wanting more. The only down side that could be said from this book is how complicated it can get sometimes with its technical language.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants a story that is, as the author says himself “Die Hard with Fairies” meaning that it is action packed with fairies and magic. I think that this book appeals to its target audience very well; it keeps the reader interested and leaves them wanting to read more of the series.